2 Aralık 2007 Pazar

Ludwig Büchner vs Nat Pinkerton: Turkish Translations from Western Languages, 1880-1914

  1. In the nineteenth century, translation activities gained an impetus when compared to the previous periods, and translations made were regarded as being of equal importance as the originals. In some cases even the names of the authors were not published but those of the translators' in the translated works.
  2. The selection of works was determined to some extent by the oppressive reign of Abdulhamid which implemented an extreme form of censorship. Studies on political and social development and French Enlightenment were censored. In addition, some literary works for example of Shakespeare, Hugo or Shiller got their share of this censorship.
  3. The popularity of some translations led to the publication of other books by the same author such as the books of Jules Verne. The series of Harry Potter can be called as being a contemporary example of this fashion.